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RonjaundYuma Commissioned prints with dogs
Commissioned works and prints with dogs
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VDH Germany
What is the VDH actually?
The German Kennel Club (VDH) is an umbrella organization of 175 dog breeding and dog sports clubs with more than 600,000 members. Around 8,000 breeders are organized in the VDH's 158 breeding clubs and over 250 dog breeds are looked after. The VDH is the only German member of the FCI ( Fédération Cynologique International ), the world association for pedigree dog breeding.
The FCI, based in Belgium, is the world organization of cynology. It currently has 89 member and partner countries (only one association per country), which in turn issue their own pedigrees and train judges. The FCI guarantees the mutual recognition of the pedigrees of the countries as well as the judges within its organization.
The VDH aims to breed healthy, well-behaved purebred dogs. To achieve this goal, all breeders who are organized in the VDH must acquire and demonstrate expertise, comply with the VDH's breeding rules, and accept inspections of their breeding.
As a strong association, the VDH also represents the interests of dog owners in public and in politics. In addition, it offers interested parties from all walks of life well-founded information on all aspects of dog ownership and breeding. In cooperation with the Society for the Promotion of Cynological Research (GKF), the VDH also supports numerous research projects for the welfare of dogs. The spectrum ranges from molecular genetics to tumor research and behavioral biology. For example, genetic tests have been developed for some breeds that have led to the elimination of certain hereditary defects or decisive progress has been made in tumor research. The majority of the projects supported by the GKF are relevant to practice; the results of the research projects therefore directly benefit dogs and their owners.
Mantrailing International by Andy Ebert
Training according to Kevin Kocher. Andy Ebert has worked with Kevin Kocher for many years and now passes this on 1:1 in his seminars and workshops. I am also pursuing this goal because it works.
Augsburg city veterinary office
Food monitoring (animal food), meat hygiene monitoring (SG meat hygiene), feed monitoring
Animal protection (processing of animal protection reports, monitoring of commercial and private animal husbandry, monitoring of events with animals, monitoring of animal trade, monitoring of animal transport, issuing of permits, certificates of expertise)
Animal disease control / communicable animal diseases Animals in travel (health certificates), animal and goods traffic, monitoring disposal of animal by-products, combating specific animal diseases (e.g. psittacosis)
Monitoring of veterinary medicinal products and veterinary pharmacies.
Ad on Snautz
Everything for the animal, whether dog, dog school Augsburg or other animals.
Link to the negotiated prices for leashes and trail harnesses
Info of
Dog trainer Augsburg - StrehDog dog school
The dog
The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domestic animal and is kept as a pet and as a working animal. Its wild ancestral form is the wolf, to which it is classified as a subspecies. When domestication took place is disputed; scientific estimates vary between 15,000 and 100,000 years BCE.
In the narrower sense, a domestic dog refers to dogs that are mainly kept in the house, and thus describes a type of keeping. Historically, a dog that is kept to guard the house was called a house dog.[1] Another use of the term is to restrict it to socialized (domestic) dogs, i.e. dogs that are used to living with people in human society and are adapted to this. This distinguishes the domestic dog from wild, feral or stray dogs, which are also domesticated but not socialized.
Source: Wikipedia
Certification for dog trainers
In principle, calling yourself a dog school or dog trainer is not subject to any official or legal requirements. Anyone can therefore call themselves a dog trainer or dog school without any problems.
Since August 1, 2014, all persons in the Federal Republic of Germany who train dogs for third parties on a commercial basis or who want to supervise the training of dogs by the animal owner must obtain a permit from the local veterinary office ( Section 11 , Paragraph 1, No. 8f of the Animal Welfare Act ). The granting of this permit is subject, among other things, to proof of expertise.
In Schleswig-Holstein, the State Chamber of Veterinarians has been offering officially recognized certification for dog trainers since 2007, and Lower Saxony followed in 2011. Theoretical expertise and practical work with dogs are tested.
Source: Wikipedia
For a better coexistence
Your dog cannot clean up after himself. Please do this as a dog handler.
Dear cyclists, everyone should have a bell on their bike. Use it in good time when you approach a dog with a person on a leash.
Dear pedestrian, the dog is usually led on the left. On the footpath, the dog walks along the wall, please do not run towards the dog but walk past the dog handler, the wall gives the dog security and the dog handler can keep the dog away from the road...
These are just a few requests to help you get along better. You can learn this and much more at a good dog school that not only focuses on training the dog but also teaches you as a dog owner. Find a dog school nearby and benefit from the knowledge of a good dog trainer.
No dog should be unemployed
Just watch a pack, whether it's a dog, wolf or other pack animal. Everyone in the "commune" has their job. Imagine you're a street dog and you're busy finding water every day. You walk kilometer after kilometer to get to the refreshment. But as soon as you get there, another dog is there, helping themselves to the "bar" you've found. You start to fight, you have no other choice because your relatives are already waiting behind you to get to the watering hole. Finally, you've made it, everyone is at the watering hole and you've survived the day without any harm.
Now a nice person comes along who you are afraid of, puts you in a car and takes you away. Days later you wake up on a sofa, it is cozy. And look, there is a bowl of food and something to drink next to it. Super luxurious life for me, right?!
The dog was completely busy from morning to night looking after his family, now he has everything right in front of him. Now it's up to you. Every dog wants to have a job, whether it's from the street or from a dog breeder, even if it's just small things. This connects you, makes you a team and strengthens the bond. Tasks like in a rescue dog squad, mantrailer, IPO sport, agility, lunging and much more give your dog something to do again. In a good dog school you will also be shown activities for your dog, ask about them.
Training areas
Since the training is designed to be adapted to everyday situations, we will find the right place together during the discussion. The area of operation is Augsburg, Augsburg city center, Oberhausen, Bärenkeller, Firnhaberau, Hammerschmiede, Lechhausen, Kriegshaber, Pfersee, Hochfeld, Antonsviertel, Spickel, Herrenbach, Hochzoll, Haunstetten, Göggingen, Inningen, Bergheim, Neusäß, Stadtbergen. I am also happy to come somewhere else if this is desired.